My Grandfather is the typical country man, going gooey eyed over a tractor, but to say he likes vintage is an understatement. His tractors must be older than him... he's 76!
Four years ago we had one of the worst things happen that could to a farm, our barn went up in smoke luckily it was stopped before it spread to stables and the house. What was the cause? The oldest of his bloody tractors, sparking from the engine.
With fire engines on the way, J.K was getting increasing worried. What she saw next didn't help the situation, my Grandfather... riding out on his oldest tractor... which was itself on fire.
Apparently he just didn't have the heart to let it burn! I swear living with him gives me heart palpitations... It was quite a picture I must say. Like a phoenix from the flames!
Until this day he still insists on using it, 'it's fine' he yells as he's half way down the field with the door hanging off. I quite often look out of the window for a break from blog writing to see it on it's side in a ditch with him dangling out of the doorless contraption because he simply 'tried to pull that broken bloody tree down and all I did was slide in with it!' Only for his friend to come and pull Phoenix out of the ditch with a nice shiny new tractor... 'wouldn't you like one of those Bompa?' Oh well, at least the birds who have made their home in the corner of the tractor roof still have a house...
Anyway... Must go and get Milo in, or Moose as he's often called.