Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Time For Change!

So with the autumnal equinox having occurred on the 22nd September, it's that time of year when the countryside begins to change as we prepare for Harvest! The golden leaves are simply a sign of things to come... Change is a recurrent theme in my day to day life at the moment and something I've not always been comfortable with, but as the seasons change I think it's time we embrace our changes (good or bad) too! 


Just under a month ago, my family lost one of it's kindest, most caring and compassionate members when we had to have Coco put to sleep. Having had Coco from birth and when I was only six, we'd grown up together having a stronger bond than most humans! For my mum and myself she was our heart dog, the animal we truly connected with. She had been through everything with us, an abusive home life to endless fields for her to bound through; she even starred in a published story (written by yours truly!). It was a wrench loosing her, but from the day we left our previous situation, she had it all! Coco spent her days pottering between my Grandparent's house and our annex, making sure she had ample food at both residences and a chance each day to run through the fields smiling from ear to ear! I blame Coco for my love of animals and passion for caring for them as she's definitely one of the contributing factors to my interest in veterinary work... 

Loosing her is a change, a big one, but one that must be embraced. As we embark on a big locational move and change ourselves, I feel I must learn slightly from Coco, the old, wise lady she was and take everyday as it comes and look for the beauty in it. Right now? It's the sun, sitting over the fields and showing every single shade of green there is. I think farming and working on the land highlights change, making you realise that in fact it's a very natural happening; it's not scary, it's exciting and productive. Thank you Coco, we love you always.

I know it's often easier for other people to tell you to look for the positive in each day, even if it's only you got through it! Something as simple as finishing work, making a bloody good brew, having the realisation that at the end of the day it doesn't really matter what people think as long as you are the best you can be or coming across someones status on Facebook that really made you chuckle (probably for all the wrong reasons!), are little things to help you through big changes. 

As the countryside around us changes, grasp it with both hands!

Keep an eye out for the next blog post, all about bringing the autumnal outside in!

Bye for now,