Right, I've got an hour before I'm off to school my boy in this beautiful (note the sarcasm) british weather. So firstly I much apologise for my lack of posts, it's all been a little hectic recently, lots of work and very little play! But anyway, we're back so let's get to it.
Since I'm having a horsey day in terms of working Milo, I thought I'd use this as a theme for today's blog. Many people consider themselves horse riders but I think it takes a lot more to become a horseman or woman than first thought, it goes without saying you've got to have fallen off numerous times and gained many weird and wacky injuries. So this is A Kiss From The Country's Alternative Horse Person Checklist.
- You're not horsey until you've spent a prolonged time (my record's 45 minutes) trying to catch you beasty... tit bits and everything.
- You're not horsey until you seem to secrete the smell of the stables even after three showers and a can of body spray...
- You're not horsey until you've shared most of your lunch with your horse because his pleading eyes seemed to long of a bit of your sandwich and you'd consider yourself cruel if you ignored him...
- Number four, you consider borrowing some of your horse's clothes because he has more than you, a sad but true fact.
- You're not horsey until you spend over an hour grooming and pampering your horse for him to immediately find the muddiest spot, roll, stand and give you that look of 'that's better'.
- You're not horsey until you've considered that the world would be a better place if horses took over... I swear my boy's planning it, he's in cahoots with the horses in the opposite field.
- You're not horsey until you consider 'smart clothes' to be beige jodhpurs.
- You're not horsey until you've looked into your horses eye's and seen the heart and soul of him, understood him, and allowed him to do the same. A bond between rider and horse is incredible, something me and Milo are working on four months into our relationship.
- Number nine, you're not horsey until you go to the yard clean and come home unexplainably covered in God knows what... and I mean covered, in your hair, down your socks, ladies, even down your bra... covered.
- Finally, you're not horsey until the thought of being without your companion brings you to tears, you treasure him and let him understand parts of you that no one else ever will.
In four months, Milo's been through a lot with me, had me cry on his shoulder, laugh at him eating my hat and being told off more times than I can count, the worst weather we could have hoped for and ground like the WW1 trenches. But we'll get there, building up our relationship slow and steady at a pace suitable for him.
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He Does Love His Kisses! |
Even now, I truly adore him, the bond between rider and horse is something that unless you have had it, or are lucky enough to have it now no one really understands. But I think this bond is what makes a horse person, the ability to let something so big and powerful be responsible for us, not only that, but being able to return the favour caring for that animal until the end.
Right, coat on, boot's on, out to the field's we go... someone have the kettle on for me after?
Keep checking out the blog as I promise it will be regularly updated,
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